3 room apartment (No. 64972)
CHF 1'650.- / mth

3 room apartment in Belp (BE), furnished, temporary

General information Spacious, modern granny annexe in detached house - single persons preferred.
87m², on 1. floor, 1 bedroom, 1 home office (can be used as bedroom), in good condition
2 persons max., not suitable for families with children, pets not allowed, smoking in apartment not allowed

Win price The provider offering this property is renting out at market price.

Rental deposit CHF 1'650.-

Price and Availability

CHF 1'650.- per month
incl. UMS brokerage & service fee

Heating, electricity, water, internet incl.

from now to June 30, 2025

min. 3 months, by arrangement


Kitchen Kitchen equipped for 4 persons
open kitchen area, dishwasher, coffee maker

Bath / Shower / Toilet 1 shower & toilet

Equipment internet, built-in closets
washing machine & tumbler

Furniture modern, functional
1 double bed, 1 single bed

Situation & Transportation

Environment in agglomeration district, quiet location, shopping facilities nearby, recreation area nearby

Public transport 4 min. to walk to public transport station Belp Steinbach
17 min. to ride to train station Bern

Car 1 private parking space
Access to motorway

Picturing the district

Southeast municipality of Berne, borders on Kehrsatz, near woods and river Aare.

Community with a village touch, many different possibilities for living, from cheap housing space to large one-family homes, attractive scenery of the Bernese alps.

Infrastucture in the district

Good shopping possibilities in village centre, cultivated gastronomy, river bathing facility 'Giessenbad', near recreational areas by the rivers Gürbe, Giesse and Aare, Airport Belpmoos.