2½ room apartment (No. 65111)
CHF 1'313.- / mth

2½ room apartment in Fribourg (FR), furnished, temporary

General information 10 minutes walk from the center. Wifi, bath linen, bed linen, crockery, etc., included.
55m², sousparterre, 1 bedroom
2 persons max., not suitable for families with children, pets not allowed, smoking in apartment not allowed

Price and Availability

CHF 1'313.- per month
incl. UMS brokerage & service fee

Heating, electricity, water, internet incl.

from April 27, 2025 to May 27, 2025


Kitchen Kitchen equipped for 2 persons
open kitchen area, dishwasher, microwave, coffee maker

Bath / Shower / Toilet 1 shower in tub & toilet

Equipment internet

Furniture functional, cosy
1 double bed

Situation & Transportation

Environment urban area, quiet location

Public transport 5 min. to walk to public transport station Bertigny
12 min. to ride to train station Fribourg

Car Access to motorway

Picturing the district

Bilingual town at the cultural- and language barrier between the german and french part of Switzerland. Near Bern, Lausanne and Murten lake.

Beautiful old town with medieval charm, built on a rock spur. Rural environment. Known for it's well preserved historic old town - the biggest of Europe.

Infrastucture in the district

Many shopping & leisure possibilities as well as attractive educational & cultural facilities: all school levels throughout to university are held in german and french language. Library & theatre, museums, botanic garden. Many indoor- and outdoor swimming pools, hiking tracks along the river "Saane".