2½ room apartment (No. 65215)
CHF 1'200.- / mth

2½ room apartment in Bern - Matte, furnished, temporary

General information Apartment close to the center with large rooms. The river Aare is just a few minutes away on foot.
50m², on 2. floor, 1 bedroom
2 persons max., not suitable for families with children, pets not allowed, smoking in apartment not allowed

Special price The provider offering this property is renting out below cost price.

Price and Availability

CHF 1'200.- per month
incl. UMS brokerage & service fee

Heating, electricity, water, internet incl.

from April 8, 2025 to August 31, 2025

min. 3 months


Balcony / Terrace / Garden 1 balcony

Kitchen Kitchen equipped for 2 persons
open kitchen area

Bath / Shower / Toilet 1 shower in tub & toilet

Equipment internet
washing machine (to be shared)

Furniture 1 double bed

Situation & Transportation

Environment urban area, quiet location, shopping facilities nearby, recreation area nearby

Public transport 2 min. to walk to public transport station Bern, Mühlenplatz
14 min. to ride to train station Bern

Car Public parking spaces nearby

Picturing the district

South-east part of the Bernese Old Town, next to the river, lower situation than the other parts of the Old Town.

Artistic and bon vivant populations, mostly sandstone or half-timbered houses under monumental protection, some renovated luxuriously, nice arcades.

Infrastucture in the district

Many possibilities for going out: clubs, bars and restaurants, small trade (little corner shops), schools, trade and nightlife area at the Mühleplatz and Wasserwerkgasse.